
Every day your people reduce carbon in multiple ways. It’s time you got credit for it. And profits. Connect to the Virtual Transportation Carbon Credits Platform from CirclesX.

Every time someone in your organization joins a virtual meeting, takes public transportation, car pools or uses smart parking and tolling, that person is reducing the carbon being released into the atmosphere. The Virtual Transportation Carbon Credits platform tracks those carbon reductions in real time and turns them into valuable assets that you can apply to your ESG initiatives or sell to polluters who need the credits.

Just plug in and profit.

Virtual Transportation Carbon Credits technology works seamlessly and unobtrusively with your current business systems, from your project management and scheduling software to your virtual meeting systems. There’s no new training for employees. They simply hold virtual meetings as usual on Zoom, Teams, WebEx or any other platform and the carbon credits are calculated in the background.

See how Virtual Transportation Carbon Credits Work.

Powered by patented technology.

CirclesX is a leading data firm with more than 170 patents and decades of expertise focused on carbon markets. Our platform utilizes multi-factor authentication for user GPS, Bluetooth and near-field communication or simply ties directly into the back ends of virtual meeting systems to verify remote work activities.

That’s a fancy way of saying that with every activity for every employee, we can calculate how many commuting miles were saved, and how many greenhouse gas emissions were prevented. And it’s a lot.

Those carbon credits add up. And everyone benefits.

Virtual Transportation Credits technology is a powerful lever you can pull to help meet your company’s net-zero carbon goals and play a meaningful role in the energy transition. Use the credits in your own ESG reporting. Sell them to companies that are difficult to decarbonize but still must meet reduction targets. No matter what you do with the credits, your organization and every person within it is making the air cleaner, the streets less congested, and the world a better place.

Contact CirclesX to learn More

Usher in a new era for your city.

Our platform has the power to turn any municipality into a “smart city” that is cleaner, greener and more future-focused. As companies are incentivized to embrace virtual work, congestion and wear and tear on infrastructure is dramatically reduced. This allows cities to invest billions less in fixing potholes and widening streets and more on converting all these sprawling ribbons of concrete and asphalt into parks and greenspaces. Virtual work boosts employment and therefore tax revenues. Cities can also plug CirclesX technology into their mass transit, tollways and parking systems to calculate more carbon reduction and generate even more revenue.

Contact our Municipal Experts

Products, Services and Collaboration

  • 6+ Desktop and Mobile Apps including SeatsX, RoutesX, ParkedX, TollsX, CurbsX, ShipsX and SidesX
  • Collaboration across SeatsX, RoutesX, and StreetLabsX
  • Collaboration across SeatsX, RoutesX, and StreetLabsX
  • GTFS Integration for fixed and dynamic routing over multi-mode and single payment


Advanced asset protection and Security

  • In-transit asset encryption
  • At-rest encrypted multi-tenant storage
  • User authentication with SeatsX ID
  • Corporate control of assets stored in the cloud
  • Asset sharing options controlled by the administrator


Management and deployment

  • Web-based Admin Console for assigning/reassigning license
  • Centralized IT deployment tools


Dedicated help and support

  • 1:1 support sessions with product experts
  • Online tutorials
  • Advanced-level 24/7 tech support with dedicated phone line, plus email, chat, and forums


Payment options

  • Annual contract paid monthly or choose prepaid term from 1 to 3 years

Empower your employees to be better and do better.

When companies reduce physical commutes by even one day a week, the benefits abound. Employees are happier and more productive. They gain better work / life balance while also gaining the satisfaction of clearing the air over their communities and doing their part to help the planet.

Lets Get Started

Reduce commutes by 20% - 40% and improve business in every way.

Our proprietary technology allows you to take tons of carbon out of the air and put the credits in your pocket. It’s time for the Virtual Transportation Carbon Credits platform.

A simple example of how it works when you use CirclesX Carbon Markets:

  • Use your traditional Teams, WebEx, Zoom, Skype, Slack or other virtual collaboration software
  • Sign up for the CirclesX Virtual Transportation Carbon Offset integration.
  • Each Calendar event or meeting event will give you the option to earn carbon offset credits and automatically calculate the distance between virtual participants with blockchain verification.
  • Sell your carbon offset credits or use them in your companies Zero Emission ESG strategy.

Emissions per year from various forms of commuting

Our clients speak.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Does every country and state or province have a carbon credit market?


The European Union, California, Northeastern states have moved to enact Cap and Trade schemes on emissions and Green House Gases.  The US SEC has released a proposed rule to report carbon liabilities and mitigation strategies with assurance.  As recently as 2021, Shell was held liable for Carbon emissions in the EU.


Is my data private and confidential?


CirclesX does not resell customer data and maintains confidentiality within the CirclesX platform.  Virtual Transportation Carbon Credits location data is anonymized for SOC Audits and Assurance Verification.


What is Carbon Blockchain?


Carbon blockchain are patented and patent pending technologies which not only track carbon with dynamic QR codes paired with host devices to create a legal blockchain.


If I have legal questions what should I do?


If you have questions, you should speak with your own counsel, legal advisors or advisors who can give you input on how best to proceed.  CirclesX is not a medical services provider, legal advisor or financial advisor. Foodie Body recommends that you talk to your physician first so you can modify the program plan based on known health issues as a more complete solution.


How does CirclesX make money?


CirclesX and our affiliates run many businesses focused on data and recovery services.  While we provide many services for free such as Foodie Body Search and Navigation, we do charge businesses for platform services and use of the exchange features.  CirclesX does take a success fee for successfully monetized virtual transportation carbon credits.


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        CirclesX LLC 

        a SimpsX Technologies LLC company

        12335 Kingsride Lane #418

        Houston, Texas  77024

        Technical Support (832) 916-2001

Geolocation Exchange Markets and Search

CirclesX – A SimpsX Technologies LLC Platform Company (Copyright 2002 – 2022)