The Claims Cotillion - April 2022 Houston, TX

Claims Cotillion - April 2022 Houston, TX

The first annual Claims Cotillion is a claims industry event and convention for claims professionals from CMS, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage Organizations, Insurance companies, Hospitals, Technology Service Providers, Carbon Claim Markets, Energy Claim Markets, Legal professionals, general subrogation and more.

The Venue - The Rice Hotel - Houston, Texas

Claims Cotillion brings out the fun of the industry – April 2022 – Houston, Texas

A simple example of IoT claims recovery:

  • The police are not always present at an accident.  In fact, 98% of all accidents had no witness.
  • IoT device data has changed all past information barriers that prevented claim recovery in the past.
  • Come see how to bring your company to the next level by using modern IoT recovery techniques.
  • Show off your latest dance moves as you help your company move to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions:


When did the Claims Cotillion start?


The Claims Cotillion is having it’s inaugural cotillion and convention in Houston, Texas in April 2022.


Who is invited to the Claims Cotillion?


All claims professionals across Health, Energy, Transportation, Finance and Law.


What is Health and Legal Blockchain?


Health and legal blockchain are patented and patent pending technologies which not only track foods from the supply source which dynamic QR codes paired with host devices to create a legal blockchain.



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